March Madness is upon us and all I know is that the Kentucky Wildcats are sporting a semi-pro team, but it only takes a second to take your eye off the prize to cost them their whole season. That being said, I will be going all in the Wildcats BABY! Tweet me @SuperstarSleeze for March Madness pool instructions.
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March Madness is upon us and it is only fitting as we enter the period where WCW was in total booking disarray. The year 1997 was interesting in that it is probably the greatest year in WCW history if you look at it comprehensively from all the different facets of wrestling being match quality, booking and financial. Besides one obvious match ( Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio Halloween Havc 1997), it does not have a consensus over the year's greatest match so I have been wading through it more thoroughly for that reason and because I enjoy the year as a whole. So I have skipped ahead to 1998. I start covering the main event matches and booking of 1998 WCW in a previous blog series, which did not get finished. I know shocking. :( I will be skipping discussing that and focus on the mid-card.
The WCW midcard is a tale of two halves. The first half was dominated by Chris Benoit and Diamond Dallas Page and the second half saw a resurgence of the crusierweights around Juventud Guerrera, Billy Kidman, Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio Jr.. Chris Benoit is always a difficult subject. My personal take on the matter of evaluating his career and his matches is to treat him like any other wrestler, but to never glorify him beyond that. So I will analyze his work, but I will never advertise him in the title of the blog or make him seem to be a hero of any kind. For the first half of 1998, he was just in the zone in terms of being no-nonsense asskicker and the fans absolutely were behind him 100%. He was over huge against Raven and DDP. Fans are going to gravitate towards badasses and Benoit's relentless, tenacious, always moving forward attack appealed to men who like a vicious streak in their wrestlers.
I disagree with any who says Benoit was booked poorly during this time period by WCW. The reason we are stuck with so many heatless wrestlers is because of the start-stop pushes. Straight up, there just was not room in the main event for Benoit at this time. Just like there was not room in the main event for Bret Hart in 1989 when he worked predominantly singles and it was teased he would be elevated. Vince was a genius for biding his time with Bret and waiting until 1991 to get the ball rolling. WCW had done a great job showcasing Benoit early against Guerrero & Malenko, making him a Horseman (huge distinction) and giving him a blood feud with Kevin Sullivan. The rest of his contemporaries traded belts and were treated as great competitors. Benoit had this gnarly and vicious side that made him perfect for a personal grudge feud which helped differentiate him from your Jerichos and Malenkos. He was the MVP of the 97 Wargames and worked a hot midcard feud with Raven & his Flock to end the year and move into 1998. In early 98, they started to elevate him into the title pictures, working with a huge star on the rise, DDP and another hot midcard act, Booker T. The problem was the follow-up or lack thereof. Benoit just disappears after June and resurfaces for the Horsemen reunion in September, but it is not really utilized again until early 1999 with Dean Malenko. That's when the booking of Benoit begins to show its cracks.
The Real People's Champion |
As for Diamond Dallas Page, he is the only wrestler that is consistently booked well throughout 1998. I would argue he is booked even better than Goldberg and Hollywood Hogan. By the end of 1998 is a huge main event star that is wicked over and is a big asset in being able to have quality main event matches. I will cover this when I finish my look at WCW's main event scene of 1998. I just want to get over how crazy awesome 1998 was for DDP. In watching the footage again, I have been become a huge fan of DDP. Every performance drips with effort and it feels like a huge fight. I love his blue collar, die hard character. It is so relatable. He was the 90s version of Dusty Rhodes and I know from listening to his shoot interviews that would be a big compliment for him. Really watch these matches that I recommend because he is criminally underrated.
After a hot stretch in 1997, the match quality in the crusierweight division cooled off, but the interest level may have been at all time high during the awesome Chris Jericho/Dean Malenko. However, with the elevation of Jericho to the TV title and Malenko becoming a Horseman. The Crusierweight division found itself under the guidance of new blood, Billy Kidman and Juventud Guerrera. Having watched a lot of Juvy in the past couple days, he has been on fire and I had forgotten how good he is. Whereas Rey's bread and butter was the sell, Juventud brought the badass offense. He has a wicked chop and his dives looked like they would wipe you up. These two would be joined by two of the greatest wrestlers of all time, Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero and for a couple months in late 1998 the crusierweight division was on fire.
As far as how these matches stack up in terms of being the best WCW match of the 90s, 1998 does surprising well. It offers a strong contender in terms of the knock-down, Katie Bar the Door donnybrook for the US Championship, Benoit and DDP had. DDP and Goldberg comes in just a tick below it and is probably the best WCW PPV main event between 1996-2001. Benoit vs. Raven and Benoit vs. Booker T were both great matches, but I do not consider them contenders for the honor of being the best WCW match of the 90s. Finally, there is a match on here that I loved, but technically is not a WCW-sanctioned bout, but features all WCW-contracted wrestlers and is in honor of a WCW official. So it is being included and it is a definite contender for the best WCW match of the decade as the Four Corners of WCW (Benoit, Malenko, Guerrero, Jericho) just rock Knoxville with an old school classic tag team match that features all-time great heel performances from Guerrero and Jericho. Overall, 1998 adds two more matches to list as it grows now to five matches all at that ****1/2 level. WCW in 1998 was interesting, the booking was disarray, but the match quality was still there.
Match Listing:
Chris Benoit vs Raven - Souled Out 1998 ***3/4
Benoit in full unrelenting badass mode. Raven is a sick sado-masochist. Needs more Raven heeling.
Bret Hart vs Ric Flair - Souled Out 1998 ****
Bret looks great in his WCW debut selling knee well & great offensive execution. Flair keeps pace with his deep bag of tricks. Strong debut for Hart, but there was no follow up. Last great WCW Flair match?
WCW US Champion Diamond Dallas Page vs Chris Benoit - SuperBrawl VIII ****1/2
Full steam ahead, no looking back FIGHT! Neither man gives an inch. One of the Best WCW matches ever!
WCW US Champion Diamond Dallas Page vs Chris Benoit vs Raven - WCW Uncensored 1998
WCW TV Champion Fit Finlay vs Chris Benoit - WCW Slamboree 1998 ****
Everything you think it would be a brutal, violent, stiff bout. Benoit's PPV hot streak continues.
WCW US Champion Diamond Dallas Page vs Chris Benoit vs Raven - WCW Uncensored 1998
Balls to the wall action and still retains credibility. DDP is so over. Great finish. Best WCW Raven match.
WCW TV Champion Fit Finlay vs Chris Benoit - WCW Slamboree 1998 ****
Everything you think it would be a brutal, violent, stiff bout. Benoit's PPV hot streak continues.
Chris Benoit vs Booker T - Great American Bash 1998 ****
Maybe the best Booker performance of his career. On fire, timing his hope spots perfectly and laying his shit in. Surprisingly, it was Benoit who I felt was meandering
WCW World Champion Goldberg vs Diamond Dallas Page - Halloween Havoc 1998 ****1/4
HUGE FIGHT FEEL! DDP rules and every performance drips with effort. It is Die Hard vs Da Man!
WCW US Champion Bret Hart vs Diamond Dallas Page - Nitro 10/26/98 ***3/4
Awesome never say die face against cunning heel. Great heat and sympathy to an satisfying climax
WCW Crusierweight Champion Billy Kidman vs Juventud Guerrera - WCW Nitro 11/16/98
Kidman's counterwrestling vs Juventud's asskicking offense. Badass finish stretch!
Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko vs Eddy Guerrero & Chris Jericho -
Brian Hildebrand Tribute ****1/2
Classic tag team match. Eddie & Jericho give all time great heel performance and Benoit is tremendous as the face in peril and asskicker.
WCW United States Champion Diamond Dallas Page vs Chris Benoit - SuperBrawl VIII
Why is this not considered one of the best WCW matches of all time? I was impressed by the work and fight of both men in this tremendous hard-fought contest. Every little move from a standard Irish Whip to the final Diamond Cutter felt like an incredible struggle to execute. Each man was coming at the other like they were at the Battle of Stalingrad and there was no retreat. They were cutting each other with nasty strikes and knee lifts. It truly felt like both men were incredibly invested in winning this championship and they were going fight and claw for the victory on this night. All in all, they still kept this very much a babyface vs. babyface match. You had the rough and tumble blue collar street fighter against the polished, gnarly Canadian fighting machine. I liked DDP trying to impose his size and rough house tactics early only for Benoit to hang him out to dry and then try for the Crossface early. Page smartly bails and gets back in, he knows he is in for a fight against Benoit is just throwing crazy strikes to keep him at bay and now he looks for the Diamond Cutter and Benoit powders. I love the mirror spots. DDP IS JAAAAACCCCKKKEDD! They brawl back in the ring. Fuck, I love this. Benoit dropkicks the knee and looks to sap Page's energy by leaning on him with a Cobra Clutch-like hold. I like this use of the move. We know DDP is a ball of crazy energy that is his offensive strategy he is impulsive if you sap that then he should be easy pickings. I loved little shit like Benoit eating jawbreaker, but then coming right at Page with chops and kicks. Babyfaces always move forward. DDP pulling himself up by the ropes and throwing Benoit into the corner is one of my favorite spots of DDP matches. Benoit fights like hell on an Irish Whip attempt and snaps off a suplex. This is pro wrestling. Benoit is all about the sleeper and Page dumps him over the top rope and Benoit is still coming! Page crotches him and superplex to finally level the playing field. They work really awesome, well-built nearfall sequence that was rare at this time and would be over huge now. Benoit shoving DDP off of the Diamond Cutter attempt and Dallas immediately climbing the top rope and flying three quarters of the way across the ring to wipe out Benoit like an out of control torpedo epitomizes how wild this match was. It is just dripping with urgency. Benoit gets a Crossface, but DDP is too close to the ropes and his rolling Germans serve as his super hot nearfall. DDP signals for the Diamond Cutter, Benoit looks for the Backslide and BANG!
What a damn fight! Neither man gave an inch and they went toe to toe for the entire bout. They sustained heated fight for a good 15 minutes and it just never let up. The finish sequence was damn near perfect (ok ok there was a shitty DDT in there somewhere). I love matches where everything is contested, both wrestlers are invested in the outcome of the match and every action is urgent and consequential. This match had it in spades. As much as I love DDP/Goldberg, this is my WCW match of the year. ****1/2
WCW United States Champion Diamond Dallas Page vs Chris Benoit vs Raven
WCW Uncensored 1998
Call me crazy, but I really enjoyed this clusterfuck. It was non-stop action, but much like the cruiserweight triangle match at Starrcade they always incorporated all three guys in logical ways. I liked this a bit better than the cruiserweight match because of the three distinct characters involved and how they built drama going into the finish stretch. You have the asskicker Benoit, the sado-masochist Raven and the never say die DDP and the match really felt really character driven. They do a triple lock up, which is contrived, but I liked the intensity of the lock up and they establish early it is every man for himself when they each deck each other. The lock up spills to the outside and they throw DDP into the stairs ribs, those pesky, never healing ribs, first. DDP sells this and we get some Benoit and Raven, but it is a normal amount of selling as opposed to the egregious amount you normally see in this time of match. I loved DDP avoiding baseball slide only to have Raven take it and then hitting a nice slingshot cross body. Raven was actually really good in this too by wildly just on top of people. It really felt very chaotic with people just shoving each other when they weren't looking. I think this Raven's best match in WCW as opposed to the asskicking he took at Souled Out. Raven directs traffic and forges an alliance with Benoit to take out the champion by sending him through the Uncensored sign. DDP is fucking out and looks done for. Raven suplexes table onto Benoit. I am such a mark for throwing objects and I loved that spot, but Raven gets overzealous and goes flying into the table. Benoit plays it smart and he carries Raven back to the ring to increase the distance between him and DDP. Kudos to Tenay for picking up on this. Benoit hits the drop toehold onto the chair, which always looks nasty and Raven's eye starts to swell pretty immediately. DDP slide on his side back to the ring in just awesome dramatic fashion. I love DDP! It is time to rip-off ECW wholesale, but hey what has not been seen by this audience is new now. They do the triple sleeper spot. It turns out NOAH ripped off this match for the triple German. DDP is fucking over it is awesome. The dude totally deserved to main event five PPVs in a row in 1998 and his reign in 1999. Anyone who says otherwise has either not watched the footage or is blind! Raven tells Benoit lets take out the champ again and here is the Use My Sign from Lodi, but it is a Stop SIgn! AWESOME! DDP is laid out on the table and Benoit attacks Raven. Raven fucked up that one. Benoit looks to superplex Raven through DDP in the table, which would have a HOLY SHIT spot for the ages. But DDP sends Benoit flying off and hits a nasty Diamond Cutter where the table does not break and Raven goes chest first into the edge. Wrestlers not being as athletic made these types of spots look brutal as hell. Great fucking finish! Benoit looked like an asskicker, but just did not pull the trigger early enough. DDP may have never-healing ribs, but his spirit just won't die. There is a never dull moment and never a moment where the match loses credibility. It was a chaotic war between three men. Another feather in the caps of Benoit & DDP! ****
WCW TV Champion Fit Finlay vs Chris Benoit - WCW Slamboree 1998
The Wocestah crowd was rabid for the Wolverine on this night with a big Benoit chant early after a chop and even chanting Finaly Sucks! Hell they popped for an early hiptoss cover by Benoit. That's what happens when wrestling treated as real by the fans and the wrestlers. They care that their favorite wins not how he wins or if it is at the expense of making someone look bad. It is Benoit and Finlay. You know it is going to be a war and this one was awesome. It totally built on their badass Nitro '97 sprint with them having more time to draw things out. Benoit looks strong in the early going controlling with chops, but as he gets up from a Finlay submission he is blasted with a wicked clothesline. For the rest of the match, Finlay is going to town on the neck and head of Benoit. Benoit does a great job selling this clothesline rolling out of the ring in such a way that he makes a thud when hits the floor. Finlay follows up with a bodyslam on the floor and another clothesline. Benoit comes roaring out of the corner with chops, Finaly stymies him with an eyepoke/chinlock combination. Perfect use of the chinlock to control the match and lean on your opponent sapping him of his energy. Finlay peppering in wicked elbows to Benoit's neck and kicks to his back. Finaly goes for the chair on the outside, but Benoit grans a hold of it to hit Finlay in the back to a big pop. I love chair shot in stiff midcard matches it is a great change of pace. Benoit goes for his dive to the outside, but Finlay uses the chair to block it. Jesus, Benoit! Finaly is working double time on the neck, but runs into the corner full steam ahead. Two Rolling Germans land, but on the third Finlay runs Benoit throat first into the ropes. DAMN! A violent counter that makes total sense in the match. Really should have led to the Tombstone finish in my opinion. Benoit counters an attempted clothesline with the Crossface, but too close to the ropes. Snap suplex and he signals for the diving headbutt and the crowd just explodes. Huge boos for Booker T sauntering out as payback for Benoit doing it to him and costing him Television championship. Finlay blasts him in the back of the head with wicked dropkick. Benoit just crumbles to the floor and deadweights Finlay. FInaly finally rolls him back in and Benoit gets a desperation inside cradle, but nothing happening. Finaly ends his misery witha Tombstone! Awesome, brutal match with Finlay wrestling a perfect strategy to control the explosive Benoit with stiff shots and chinlocks. Benoit is just relentless and always knows when to come out at you with his stiff offense. I can't see how these two could ever have a bad match. I would put this above the Raven match since Finlay contributed more, but behind the DDP match, which I think told a better story and had even more urgency. ****
Chris Benoit vs Booker T - WCW Great American Bash 1998 Match #7
Technically, this is match #8 of seven to determine the number one contender to the Television Championship (my childhood memories were foggy and I thought they were in the midst of the Best of Seven series for the TV Title when one of them lost the title to Finlay randomly and thus threw a monkey wrench into the works. Turns out, it was a number one contendership series the whole time). On the previous episode of Thunder, Bret Hart tried to help out former Dungeon graduate, Benoit by blasting Booker with a chair. Benoit does not want to win that way and goes so far to tell the referee. That kind of sportsmanship is actually pretty refreshing rather than playing morally conflicted interminably. JoJo Dillon scrubs the record clean and says the Great American Bash match is for the kit and kaboddle. Really strong midcard WCW booking, which is shocking because the WCW main event scene is a total clusterfuck at this point.
The argument can be made Benoit's lack of attack on Booker's knee stems from his sportsmanship. He was above exploiting an injury and respected Booker too much. Now clearly the reason is because the Finlay match later was going to be based around the knee, which makes sense since Finlay is the real heel. It would have been helpful if the commentary told this story rather blithering on about the injured knee. Even trying to apply this logic to the match, Benoit's offensive strategy just seemed off. His execution was as crisp as ever, but it was meandering like he did not know what he wanted to do next. He uses the dragon screw leg whip to take control, but after that it is an assortment of chops, suplexes and chinlocks. It was a weird use of the chinlock because it is not like Booker established himself as a runaway locomotive early on. It really feels like his offense is not setting anything up. Tenay did a good job claiming this was to set up the Crossface, but I wasn't feeling it. Benoit does go for the Crossface when Booker starts to mount a comeback, but Booker falls towards the ropes. In fact, I thought Booker outperformed Benoit. He was timing his hope spots really well and he brought a lot of fire from underneath. I really liked his crash and burn off the reverse cross body as he was going for a home run. Again when Booker is able to get a head of steam, he is looking for that missile dropkick. His offense is setting up for a big bomb. Benoit is always great at selling his big high-risk moves like the superplex (milks it for an 8 count before the cover) and swandive headbutt (writhes in pain before the cover). Loved Benoit have scouted Booker's weird sunset flip thingy in the corner, by stopping short letting him do it and then CHOP! Booker nails a couple Harlem Sidekicks, which finally dazes Benoit enough to hit his missile dropkick.
This maybe my favorite Booker performance of his career. He was laying his shit in well and his timing and move selection were just spot on. His instincts were just clicking. He built perfectly to that missile dropkick and Benoit really was able to sell how his big bombs had taken a lot out of him. It was a war of attrition and Booker outlasted Benoit in this battle. Match was dragged down by an unusually meandering Benoit in the early going. The finish stretch and Booker's performance make this one of the best WCW matches of 1998. ****
WCW World Heavyweight Champion Goldberg vs Diamond Dallas Page
WCW Halloween Havoc 1998
I saw this originally when WCW was compelled to repeat the entire main event on Nitro because they went over on the PPV, which is part of the reason the match is so famous. I honestly had forgotten everything about the match so besides knowing who won this was totally fresh. The other reason this match is famous because it is really good in time period where WCW main event were usually dogshit. Guess what this match is not just really good, it is excellent. I actually think this match is underrated given the ratings I have seen around the net. It is a testament to both Goldberg's aura and DDP's ring generalship at this time. With a doubt, DDP is the WCW MVP of 1998 and his entire 1998 is proof at his amazing grasp on pro wrestling psychology.
The World Heavyweight Champion versus the People's Champion, the Unstoppable Force versus the Blue Collar Hero, the Rookie Phenomenon versus the Hard Working Late Bloomer, just the characters naturally make for a great story going into the match. DDP is wrestling manifestation of John McClane and he is taking on the fucking Terminator in Goldberg. Who does not want to see that? This is the type of match that shows why pro wrestling is the greatest form of entertainment to ever exist in human history.
Page is JAAAAACCCCKKKKKED TO THE MOON for this one and he comes at Goldberg repeatedly who shrugs him off with powerful shoves. DDP will not be detered and they spill out in a heated moment. Goldberg is treated like a super athlete here: unstoppable power, impervious to pain and cat-like quickness. When DDP tries a single leg pick up, Goldberg does a backflip and DDP does it again to get a one count. That is the story of DDP the dude just does not know when to quit. He is going to try and try and try. I love it! Goldberg's stunned selling, but always moving to get up and moving forward is so perfect for his character. I love the urgency of every DDP movement knowing he is in there with a monster. He has his one big weapon, the Diamond Cutter, he tries it early and gets send flying to the outside. DDP tries to contain Goldberg with a front facelock, but Goldberg explodes out of it. Goldberg with a huge thrust kick sends DDP into the corner. Goldberg goes for the spear and eats the ringpost. OH SHIT! It only makes sense the person who can do the most damage to Goldberg is Goldberg. DDP signals for the Diamond Cutter and BOOM! SPEAR! THE PLACE COMES UNGLUED! I LOST MY SHIT! Goldberg's shoulder is fucked. Can he get him up for the Jackhammer? DIAMOND CUTTER! PIN HIM, DALLAS! PIN THAT MAN! GET UP! GET UP! PIN HIM! 1-2-NOOOOOO!!!!!! DDP tries to stay on him, but Goldberg reverses a suplex attempt into a Jackhammer. Holy shit, that was electric.
I have become the biggest retroactive DDP fan. His Die Hard, blue collar attitude is just so badass. You can't help but cheer for the dude. Honestly, lost myself in that Diamond Cutter. I really thought to myself can DDP pull this out before I came back to reality. Pitch perfect layout that accentuated both men's characters. Pro wrestling matches should be driven by wins and losses, but how it gets done should be unique to the participants involved. These two men are the only people who could have this match because it uniquely fit them. That is the hallmark of excellent pro wrestling psychology. ****1/4
WCW US Champion Bret Hart vs Diamond Dallas Page - WCW Nitro 10/26/98
One night after he took Goldberg to the limit, DDP gets a title shot against Bret Hart. I love that booking. DDP is red-hot at this point, but he is coming off a loss.How do you capitalize on that heat? Have him beat Bret Hart and take the US title! Excellent booking! Bret Hart has a rep of taking people out like Booker T at Bash At The Beach and Sting at Halloween Havoc so how do you capitalize on that well, have him look to take out DDP. Only problem is DDP Dies Hard.
Bret Hart gets put in a match against DDP and has his best match of the year since the Flair match, coincidence, I think not. DDP was the best American main event wrestler at this point. The early part of the match with DDP just taking it to Bret Hart at his own game everything just drips with effort. You know Bret Hart is the more polished of the two, but DDP has the heart and the passion to close the gap between him and Hart. Bret Hart is getting countered at every turn and this already hotter than the Sting and Luger matches, which were good. Hart uses the hotshot to take control. What takes this match to the next level for Hart is DDP's selling. At first, DDP still has enough energy to pull himself up by the ropes and unload with punches. I love that spot! Hart keeps cutting him off, but you get the feeling you just cant keep Page down. Like when Bret drops an elbow on a DDP that is trying to get up on all fours. I loved that visual along with DDP clawing towards Bret as he only know one direction. DDP should be ranked higher as one of the all-time great babyfaces because his desperation selling and never say die attitude is what being a babyface is all about. Hart is on his heel A-game using his feet on the ropes and a foreign object. Hell he even busts out a superplex. Bret Hart has to resort to a low blow that wipes out DDP and the ref. Hart goes to swing with the foreign object, but DDP ducks and BANG! DIAMOND CUTTER! 1-2-3! DDP wins the US Title, but Bret Hart attacks him after the match pinpointing his knee with the chair and then applying the Sharpshooter as the fans chant for Goldberg who comes as we go off the air.
DDP was just the ultimate blue collar, hard working, never say die babyface and he delivered a great performance. Finally Bret has a babyface that can really generate that sympathy and make his heel character stand out. DDP added a lot to the standard Bret Hart match based on his character and is a very entertaining match, probably the best Nitro main event of the year. ***3/4
WCW Crusierweight Champion Billy Kidman vs Juventud Guerrera - WCW Nitro 11/16/98
Billy Kidman, intelligent counterwrestler, was not the style I was expecting, but it definitely well-received by me. Almost at every turn, Kidman had an answer for Juvy's high-octane and aggressive offense. His ability to transition defense into offense was a really neat stylistic touch. Early on, he was able to take Juvy's movement transfer into a spinebuster then later dropkicking him off the apron leading to him hitting a plancha. What made this match even more special was Juvy really taking the time to sell all of Kidman's big moves and his own. You really got a sense of how high-risk these moves were when Juvy was selling his ass after a hard springboard legdrop. That was the story of the match, Juvy was dictating the pace of the match, but he was going to live and die by his moves. If he landed them, he was in the driver's seat, but Kidman's patience and counterwrestling ability like the facebuster out of the powerbomb or wheelbarrow suplex to avoid the bulldog was stymieing Juvy Juice. Before I get to the finish, I really liked Juvy playing to the crowd with the chops and the ten count punches in the corner. It really feels like Juvy has matured as an American wrestler. Juventud finally nails his big move the Juvy Driver, BUT he pulls back to hard on the cover and Kidman slips out. Again, Juventud's overzealousness costs him. He looks frustrated but tries to follow up with a top rope Frankensteiner. Kidman hits a low blow (WOW was not expecting that) and hit a slam off the top. 1-2-NO! Woah! I totally bit on that false finish. Kidman looks to seal the deal with a Shooting Star Press, but Juvy blocks and hits the 450 for the win. I really liked the story of Kidman's counterwrestling versus Juventud's high-risk offense. Kidman stooping to a low blow was a cool touch. I wish that Juvy did not just pop out to knock Kidman off his perch, but that's a small quibble. ****
Chris Benoit & Dean Malenko vs Eddie Guerrero & Chris Jericho
Brian Hildebrand Tribute Show 11/29/98
HOLY SHIT, THIS WAS ALL TYPES OF AWESOME! WCW's Four Corners finally get the opportunity to knock it out of the park and they don't waste one moment. Eddie and Jericho remind me why I absolutely love pro wrestling. They are just so damn entertaining, but you want to boo them every step of the way and Benoit & Malenko are here to kick ass because Jericho and Eddie went out their way to mock Hildebrand at the beginning of the match. Jericho and Eddie blend cowardly, vicious and arrogance in one appetizing package delivering an all-time great heel tag team performance. All the classic Jericho & Eddie spots are here: Eddie covering Jericho's ears so he can't hear "Jericho Sucks!", scurrying to the corner to hold onto your partner's leg, Eddie calling for timeout. That is just a few it was literally awesome heel spot after another. The heels try as they might to fight fire with fire are just overwhelmed by the badassery of The Horsemen. Even Malenko is teeing off on Jericho and making this a heated bout. This is the exact environment that Benoit excels in. Jericho and Eddie try to meet him head on and just get destroyed. In a hilarious moment as Malenko is countering a Jericho surfboard and the people are chanting "Jericho Sucks!", he yells "SHUT UP YOU BUNCH OF NIMRODS!" Sounds like a man that has a tenuous grasp at best on this match. Jericho once again tries to meet Benoit head on and a wicked chopfest ensues. Jericho does what any intelligent coward would do, pokes him in the eyes and forcefully drops him throat first across the top rope. OW!
Jericho and Eddie just flip the switch from cowards to arrogant prick heels like that. Eddie is telling fans to kiss his ass while he drops Benoit with a brainbuster. Jericho is covering Benoit with one foot after a double suplex. Eddie flies over the top onto Benoit throat as it laid exposed on the apron being held in place by Jericho. Then Benoit's neck is snapped into the bottom rope. Benoit is great at selling and you can hear him gasping for breath on this fancam. Benoit finally hits a suplex to break up a sleeper, but goes up top to consolidate the advantage, but Eddie is able to hit a superplex and Jericho detains Malenko. I have loved the struggle of the entire match but here you can just see Benoit fight with every last breath to break free as Eddie and Jericho do everything they can to somehow contain this raging fireball. Some of the exchanges between Benoit and these two are just incredibly fierce. Eventually Benoit waylays them both off the apron. Building to a Malenko hot tag is suspect at best and it is for the best it does not last long. Jericho rolls through a roll up to apply the Liontamer, but Malenko makes the ropes. Jericho throws a temper tantrum, but Eddie snaps him out of it. SUPERPLEX/FROGSPLASH Combo!!!! BITCHIN! Benoit bowls Eddie off of Malenko. Benoit hits his Swandive Headbutt, but Jericho pulls out the ref. Benoit shoots Eddie into a Malenko powerbomb into a Cloverleaf and Benoit has Jericho trapped in the Crippler Crossface, but there is no ref. WAIT! Brian Hildebrand leaps into the ring and Eddie & Jericho both tap out as Hildebrand gives us a classic call for the bell. Then because it is 1998 and your wardrobe determines your allegiance he reveals a Four Horsemen shirt to a nice pop.
Jericho & Guerrero give a master class in how you can blend old school heeling with modern offense. It is all about flipping that switch from cowards to pricks. It was just awesome watching them have all that time to work. It has been said a million zillion times and even by Jericho himself, they were a totally missed opportunity as a tag team. Benoit did a great job in his face in peril selling early and then realizing he needed to fight his way out of there going right into asskicker mode. Even Malenko did well in this crowd-pleasing, asskicking match. This would be my WCW Match of the Year if it took place in WCW and it is right there with Austin/Dude Love for US Match of 1998. Love, love this style and these four crushed it in honor of Brian Hildebrand! ****1/2
Rest in Peace, Brian Hildebrand |
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