Hey yo Stud Muffins & Foxy Ladies,
It has been far too long since my last blog post and way too much badass stuff has been going on. The brand new product I have been working on for a year and half just went through the first stage of Validation. I had absolutely raucous time in Ireland with my co-workers and then my buddy from Niagara Falls came to visit me and we had a whirlwind tour of Maine, New Hampshire and ending in the TD Garden to see my main man, John Cena and the FUCKING Rock! Now for Independence Day, I am rocking it at Rockhaven BABY!!!
The best way to celebrate Independence Day is to of course watch copious amounts of everyone's favorite patriot, Hacksaw Jim Duggan! HHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! One of my favorite moments from high school was in woodshop, the seniors hollering "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan HOOOOOOOOOO everytime someone used a hacksaw or was using a 2x4. Growing up, he was a fun dopey babyface coming out to circus music with Old Glory and 2x4. His ridiculous grin and thumbs up and HOOOOOOOOOOOO was awesome for me as a kid and other children. However, behind this fun-loving goofball was a badass, blue collar hero famous for bloody brawls in Mid-South vanquishing heels like the "King Cheese" Ted DiBiase and "Mad Dog" Buzz Sawyer. He was not a perfect substitute for Junkyard Dog, but brought an odd Northern charm to a Southern promotion. He was endearing with his bellowing promos and his stomping around, but not effusively charisma like a Dusty or JYD. He was more gritty like a Northern blue collar worker than the Southern everyman babyfaces of the day. I thought I would have trouble taking Duggan seriously as the number one babyface of a promotion, but quite the contrary he was a natural fit for Mid-South as a rough and tumble brawler.
His feud with Ted DiBiase is the stuff of legend. Originally, members of the nefarious Rat Pack, Duggan saw DiBiase for what he truly was a power-hungry, inscrupulous megalomaniac when he joined with the evil Skandor Akbar. After exiling DiBiase the first time, DiBiase came back for more in a truly emphatic and violent return. The bloody Duggan promo cuts vowing vengeance against is something to behold and should be seen before seeing their epic 1985 series. In the Loser Leaves Town, Tuxedo, Coal Miner's Glove on a Pole, Steel Cage match (all is explained in the review below), Duggan & DiBiase put together an epic blowoff match that is truly for the ages and as of right now my choice for the best match I have seen so far. Not to be outdone, Duggan kept the momentum going in one of the most chaotic brawls against Buzz Sawyer that is truly an violent spectacle. The Dog Collar did not quite live up to the brawl, but was still a classic. That's two ***** matches and a ****1/2 match for the underrated powerhouse Jim Duggan. Watching this Mid-South work, Duggan has quickly become one of my favorite brawlers and power wrestlers and the matches above are only a taste of his greatness with more included in this blog.
Let out a big HOOOOOOOOOOOO! U-S-A chant this Independence Day!
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The best way to celebrate Independence Day is to of course watch copious amounts of everyone's favorite patriot, Hacksaw Jim Duggan! HHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! One of my favorite moments from high school was in woodshop, the seniors hollering "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan HOOOOOOOOOO everytime someone used a hacksaw or was using a 2x4. Growing up, he was a fun dopey babyface coming out to circus music with Old Glory and 2x4. His ridiculous grin and thumbs up and HOOOOOOOOOOOO was awesome for me as a kid and other children. However, behind this fun-loving goofball was a badass, blue collar hero famous for bloody brawls in Mid-South vanquishing heels like the "King Cheese" Ted DiBiase and "Mad Dog" Buzz Sawyer. He was not a perfect substitute for Junkyard Dog, but brought an odd Northern charm to a Southern promotion. He was endearing with his bellowing promos and his stomping around, but not effusively charisma like a Dusty or JYD. He was more gritty like a Northern blue collar worker than the Southern everyman babyfaces of the day. I thought I would have trouble taking Duggan seriously as the number one babyface of a promotion, but quite the contrary he was a natural fit for Mid-South as a rough and tumble brawler.
His feud with Ted DiBiase is the stuff of legend. Originally, members of the nefarious Rat Pack, Duggan saw DiBiase for what he truly was a power-hungry, inscrupulous megalomaniac when he joined with the evil Skandor Akbar. After exiling DiBiase the first time, DiBiase came back for more in a truly emphatic and violent return. The bloody Duggan promo cuts vowing vengeance against is something to behold and should be seen before seeing their epic 1985 series. In the Loser Leaves Town, Tuxedo, Coal Miner's Glove on a Pole, Steel Cage match (all is explained in the review below), Duggan & DiBiase put together an epic blowoff match that is truly for the ages and as of right now my choice for the best match I have seen so far. Not to be outdone, Duggan kept the momentum going in one of the most chaotic brawls against Buzz Sawyer that is truly an violent spectacle. The Dog Collar did not quite live up to the brawl, but was still a classic. That's two ***** matches and a ****1/2 match for the underrated powerhouse Jim Duggan. Watching this Mid-South work, Duggan has quickly become one of my favorite brawlers and power wrestlers and the matches above are only a taste of his greatness with more included in this blog.
Let out a big HOOOOOOOOOOOO! U-S-A chant this Independence Day!
Mid-South Tag Team Champions Junkyard Dog & Mr. Olympia vs Ted DiBiase & Matt Bourne Mid-South 10/27/82, No DQ, Loser Leaves Town
While Bill Watts may be obsessed with bench presses, he was incredible at getting over the angle and motivations of each wrestler. DiBiase's lust for the North American Championship caused his turn to the dark side. He wants to remove JYD from his competition by defeating him in this Loser Leaves Town match and take his tag team championship. DiBiase had used Hacksaw Jim Duggan as a partner to relieve JYD of the championships in August, but came up unsuccessful. In this match, he invited Matt Bourne from Atlanta to help him in his quest of ridding Mid-South of their beloved Dog by injuring him with the Bombs Away, top rope seat drop. Also, he could use Bourne as a sacrificial lamb if the going gets rough in this high stakes match. On the flip side, everyone's hero the Junkyard Dog has not been able to get a fair shake at the North American title since DiBiase became champion thus by pinning him DiBiase would be forced to vacate the title making the path easier for the Dog. I love the beginning of the match it is filled with JYD going for quick pins. This is not a blood feud in the sense he wants to dish out pain. He just wants DiBiase gone so he going to try to win the match early and often. It seems Dog had recently learned the back heel trip in wrestling school. DiBiase is great at selling being in there with Dog and his fear of being forced to leave Mid-South. I like the term Four Sisters On Thumb Street to describe a fist drop from the Dog. Mr. Olympia is caught by a DiBiase back suplex. A quick tag to Bourne and a follow up knee drop consolidates the advantage. It is a strong heat segment with all the trademark cheating and riling up the Dog. It climaxes with the Bombs Away, which looked fucking awesome. DiBiase, a gloryhound, looks for a powerslam, but it being No DQ, Dog comes in and saves. He waylays Bourne and drags Olympia to their corner. Dog is a house afire. DiBiase, desperate, looks to load his glove and the crowd voices their displeasure. Dog stops him and goes for the foreign object. All of sudden, a man in a Gorilla suit from the State Fair, bodyslams Mr. Olympia. What the hell! He reveals himself to be Hacksaw Jim Duggan! After a couple false starts, he hits a wedge buster on JYD and DiBiase nails him with loaded glove to sen JYD packing for 90 days! The post-match promo to establish the Rat Pack (DIBiase, Duggan & Bourne) as the premiere heel force was a thing of beauty. This is a very good, fundamentals tag team match that is bolstered by the storysurrounding it, the strong characters in it (JYD & DiBiase) and a wicked hot angle to finish it up. Next time, we look at how the Rat Pack splinters and leads a Loser Leaves Town match of their own. ****
“Hacksaw” Jim Duggan vs Ted DiBiase – Mid-South, Houston 7/29/83, Street Fight
In order to maintain his rule over Mid-South, Ted DiBiase turned to the evil Skandor Akbar and his menagerie of wildmen to destroy his foes. This upset his friend Hacksaw Duggan, who while not a nice guy did not care for Akbar’s brand of evil. He told DiBiase he was going to wage war with Akbar, but they did not necessarily have to come to blows. Duggan tore Akbar’s clothes off to humiliate him and Akbar swore revenge and wanted DiBiase to exact, but he seemed reluctant to attack his former friend. However, in a Duggan match against Kendo Nagaski, he attacked Duggan setting off a red hot feud throughout the territory. Culminating in a loser leaves town match that would send DiBiase to Georgia for a year. I am not sure if this was that Loser Leaves Town, but it sure as hell was a great barnburner. It is a street fight so shirts and blue jeans are in order and don’t expect much in the way of wrestling moves. This was an awesome, intense fight. These were two bitter enemies looking to knock each other the fuck out. Duggan had a series of punches early and DiBiase could not get much started. Duggan tore DiBiase’s shirt and choked him with hit. Only to rip off his own and choke him with that. DiBiase responded with his belt lashing Duggan and punching him in the head with it. Duggan stormed back and the crowd was whipped into a frenzy. Duggan returned the favor with belt lashes and punches of his own. He sent DiBiase to outside and looked to take his head off with the chair. They battled over the chair with Duggan winning and hitting some of the best chair shots for the 80s on DiBiase. Akbar distracted Duggan long enough for DiBiase to sneak attack him and hit a fist drop. He invited Akbar in to wallop him with the chair, but he got walloped! Duggan choked Akbar and as DiBiase came behind Hacksaw; Hacksaw moved and DiBiase hit a chair shot on Akbar. Duggan nailed him with a tremendous right and then nailed him in the head with the chair. Awesome, awesome street fight. I am not a huge proponent of blood, but if there was one missing ingredient it was that. It was nasty, gritty brawl between two wrestlers that hated each other. Just slightly under the awesome DiBiase/Magnum matches a year later, but an excellent start for Hacksaw Duggan! ****1/4
Hacksaw Duggan & Rock N Roll Express vs Ernie Ladd & Midnight Express - Mid-South 6/8/84
Jump plays the Rock n Roll Express down to the ring and Ernie Ladd is introduced as a new member of Midnight Express. What an awesome time to be alive!
Ricky Morton is the fucking man in this. It is performances like this may edge him over Bobby Eaton in my book. He works a tremendous segment with an ancient Big Cat Ernie Ladd and it is just wicked entertaining. Morton is moving around a million miles an hour. Ernie is wondering what he has gotten himself into because the Midnights had just been totally shown up by Morton and had to retreat twice and now he is discombobulated. The corssbody Morton hits on Ladd gets a massive pop. Ladd finally catches Morton and hits a double leg drop to give the MX their first advantage. Morton scrappy as ever tags out to Hacksaw who literally fights his way into the ring, which is a cool touch. Eaton rifles Duggan to no avail as Hacksaw comes back with a lariat. Eaton is in retreat mode and the MX can't get anything started. There is a fun spot where the both members of MX try to pin Duggan in rapid fire fashion only to be pressed and then they both pin him and both are sent flying. The crowd is just molten for this match especially Duggan! Ladd busts out the old foreign object to finally stymie the fiery Duggan. Duggan is able to tag out, but Ricky goes flying over the ropes and is nailed with a chair that busts him open. Duggan comes flying around with a chair of his own, but it is too late the damage is done. In the story as old as time, the MX beat the holy hell out of Ricky Morton. Morton is just in his element here working hope spots and selling like a million bucks. Eventually a fracas breaks out, Corny tries to use some sort of knockout spray, but instead he sprays Eaton! The babyfaces pick up the win, but do not win the war as the heels beat them down complete with choloroform.
Ricky Morton really gave an inspired performance here: getting the most out of Ladd I have ever seen and a typically great FIP. Duggan is king-sized in there and looks like a ready successor to JYD and the heels were typically awesome. It is a fun, fun match, but nothing that gets to that next level classic, missing that big hook. ****1/4
Mid-South North American Champion Ted DiBiase vs Hacksaw Jim Duggan
Mid-South 3/8/85 No DQ
Jim Duggan looks like Rihanna at the end of Bitch Better Have My Money. They beat the living fuck outta each other in this battle like they owe each other some cash money. DiBiase had returned to the territory from an extended stay in Georgia and All Japan. Hooking up with Dr. Death and Skandor Akbar to exact revenge against his former partner in crime and the man who banished him from Mid-South, Hacksaw Jim Duggan! DiBiase & Dr. Death had jumped Duggan to kickstart the feud on TV in the fall of 1984 and DiBiase defeated Brad Armstrong to win the North American Championship. It all came to a head in this No DQ Bloodbath. I loved the beginning with Ted making sure everything was legal only to immediately throw the powder in Hacksaw's face and once blinded he was easy pickins to busted open on the outside. The best part of this was Duggan's incredible performance throughout. He was always staggering and always swinging at DiBiase. DiBiase was kicking the shit out of him, but you always felt like Duggan had something left. When Duggan caught coming off the top (patented DiBiase somersault bump) and suplex, the crowd came unglued. You could feel DiBiase shit his pants as Duggan stomped around. The fists were flying and it looked awesome. Hacksaw got into this three point stance and hit his wedgebuster, which should have claimed his first North American title, but Skandor Akbar hit him with the cane. A shitty head collision followed which also wiped out the ref. Dr. Death handed Ted DiBiase the lethal loaded black glove and DiBiase had the presence of mind to sock Duggan. DiBiase was perfectly good on offense knowing how to work the cut and cheat his ass off, but this was Duggan through and through modulating his selling perfectly and really building to the match to crescendo. I have this under the first Buzz Sawyer brawl and the second Magnum/DiBiase bloodbath, but still a bitchin' match. ****1/4
Now if there was just some way Duggan got HIS hands on that coal miner glove and keep that infernal Skandor Akbar & Dr. Death out of the ring and come to think of it I just wished Duggan could banish DiBiase all over again and you know this fucking DiBiase thinks his shit don't stink, but if you are ugly on the inside like DiBiase then you are ugly on the outside so I know Duggan would look better in a tuxedo. If there was just a way to combine all these facets of the feud into one match....hmmmmmmmm....
Ted DiBiase vs Hacksaw Jim Duggan – Mid-South, Houston 3/22/85
Loser Leaves Town, Tuxedo Cage with Coal Miner's Glove On A Pole Match
Believe the hype! This is one of the best matches of 80s and a perfect culmination of their intense, bloody feud. Clearly, the cage was needed to keep DiBiase's running buddies out and so DiBiase would have nowhere to run. After all the blood that was spilled, Mid-South was just not big enough for the two of them thus loser leaves town. DiBiase was famous for his loaded glove so they upped the ante with a coal miner's glove hanging from a pole in the corner this would actually be DiBiase's downfall. The one odd stipulation is the fact they wrestled this match in tuxedos. Definitely seek out the video package they play before this match to get you up to speed and see how the Best Dressed in Mid-South becomes an essential part in this feud.
It is hard to come by definitive, feel-good blowoffs in the 80s and in wrestling in general, but on this night you not only get a great match you get a great ending to a historic rivalry. DiBiase really elevated his game in this match by upping the chickenshit factor and also getting even nastier. Duggan was wrestling at already high level, but now DiBiase was meeting him there and they were making magic together. DiBiase stalling at the beginning then trying a sneak attack only get caught by Duggan jabs and then the horror of realizing he was trapped inside the cage with this lunatic. I thought going into this that I was going to have trouble taking Duggan seriously as a number one face, but au contaire I am disappointed Duggan did not last longer in a lead face role because he is an excellent, bleeding, asskicking babyface brawler from Hell. DiBiase manages to pull Duggan into the cage head first and bust him open. Duggan's blood flowing like a bloody Niagara Falls (thanks Steel Panther) on his pristine white tuxedo. This is where we see DiBiase strategy go awry. He is constantly angling for the Coal Miner's Glove, which puts his back to his opponent thus he is in a prone position for Duggan to yank him down. The first couple times DiBiase is able to work the cut and claw away to stymie Duggan. Duggan gains a head of steam and DiBiase is in tatters being slammed into the cage. Duggan retrieves the glove! DiBiase has one last trick and it is powder. DiBiase wins possession of the glove, but try as he might, he just can't hit Duggan with it. Duggan is able to slam DiBiase's hand into the post, gains possession of glove and SMOKES DIBIASE RIGHT IN THE HEAD! 1-2-3
Awesome, awesome brawl! The fact it had such a great finish puts it over matches like Flair/Kerry and Bock/Martel #2. It is tighter than Savage/Garvin. The only that comes close is Duggan/Sawyer, which is another bitchin' Mid-South brawl, but that lacks a finish. As of right now, this is the best match of the 80s, I have watched so far. Both wrestlers delivered all time great performances in their respective roles and have great chemistry with each other. Like I said earlier, in wrestling it is hard to come by awesome blowoffs and so when you see one it is extra special. *****
Hacksaw Duggan vs Buzz Sawyer - Mid-South 11/11/85
Hacksaw Duggan is for real! His run in Mid-South should go down as one of the best "everyman" brawler types in the history of Mid-South. The DiBiase matches are exceptional, but you can point to them being propped up by the angle the matches with Mad Dog Buzz Sawyer are just unadulterated violence. At this time, Dicky Slater & Buzz Sawyer were the lead heels in the Mid-South territory soon to be Universal Wrestling Federation and Duggan and Butch Reed were among the lead faces. While Slater & Reed were feuding over the North American title, Duggan was left to face Dicky's gatekeeper, the crazed Mad Dog.
THIS IS A BLOODBATH! Duggan jumpstarts the match with fists of fury that sends Buzz packing. I love the Duggan Superman pose juxtaposed with his goofy ass face. Duggan obliterates Sawyer's face into the guardrail and busts him WIDE open. Buzz does his best Chris Webber is asking for a timeout, but there are NO TIMEOUTS in wrestling, you fool! Hacksaw continues the onslaught of punches to the head. The ref takes pity of the pathetic bloody heap that is Buzz Sawyer and tries to hold Hacksaw back. Ruh roh! Buzz tries to claw Duggan;s eye out and then kicks him in the balls. Hacksaw takes an equally wicked bump into the barricade and now he is busted WIDE open too. Buzz slams a table on him! I love this raucous mayhem. There is no real story other than two guys kicking the absolute shit out of one another. Hacksaw is trying to mount a comeback, but does not have much in the tank. When Hacksaw stops Sawyer from slamming his head into the turnbuckles, this feels like the most important thing in the world given the amount of effort both men are putting in. Hacksaw wins out and hits a back elbow. WEDGEBUSTER~! The Mad Dog heads for the hills and the crowd is on his case. Buzz ain't yellah; he races back into the ring and blasts Duggan. The ref throws this chaos out. Buzz wants to maim the hero of Mid-South with a piledriver , but Hacksaw reverses and kicks ass. The wrestlers come to break it up, but they are just getting started. Duggan breaks free and jumps Buzz in a crazy moment! Crowd is chanting bullshit. This is incredible! We see Buzz get dragged back to with his friends and he is moaning and groaning. Then Hacksaw is coming to the back and Buzz breaks free again. Holy shit an absolutely nuts brawl breaks out again! Hacksaw is screaming kiss my fucking ass as Buzz Sawyer is left wailing. The whole shebang is the epitome of pro wrestling. All the stars in the world for this! Hacksaw Duggan is my hero! HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A! *****
Hacksaw Duggan vs Buzz Sawyer - Mid-South 12/27/85 Dog Collar Match
Due to the out of control nature of the previous match and Buzz Sawyer's moniker of Mad Dog, it was only logical that they would have a Dog Collar match. I liked the dog collar posturing from Buzz Sawyer early only to have him running after Duggan balls up the chain and gives him a good thwacking and he realizes there is nowhere to run. Again, an argument with the ref is Duggan's downfall as Sawyer comes rushing in with the chain. He rakes the chain across the forehead as the crowd chants for Duggan. Sawyer is raking the chain across the open wound in a gnarly moment. Now Duggan cant get away from Sawyer and finally Duggan just lets out this bellow that is so primal and horrific wearing the crimson mask. He opens up a can of Lawler-esque whoop-ass. Duggan hits a clothesline and is so proud of himself gives the crowd the thumbs up! LOL! I love the 80s! Buzz tries to run, but the chain restrains and Duggan is taking so much glee in tormenting the Mad Dog. Is he taking too much joy in this beating? Duggan looks to drag him back in from the outside where he is beating his ass, but Buzz in desperation clobbers him with a chair to win the match in a shocker. Duggan was absolutely dominating, but definitely needed to put Sawyer away earlier he lost sight in his bloodlust, which is a great story. Buzz Sawyer just looking to survive hits him with a chair wins and gets the hell out of Dodge. Neither here nor there in terms of rating the match,. but the commentator sounded like he was narrating a golf tournament and dude he was bringing me down! Excellent brawl not at the level of their crazy brawl, but still a definite Mid-South classic. ****1/2
UWF Heavyweight Champion Terry Gordy vs Hacksaw Duggan - UWF TV 8/3/86
Watts looks to go national and has positioned Hacksaw Duggan as his lead babyface and the Fabulous Freebirds as his lead heels. I think of Duggan as a sort of Northern version of Dusty Rhodes. He is a tough everyman and more no nonsense than the Dusty. I was definitely looking forward to this hoss battle and it did not disappoint with Hayes & DiBiase (awwwwwww they made up!) sent to the back, it was mano y mano. There is a fucking MASSIVE shoulder tackle to start that sends Gordy flying through the ropes out to the floor and you just know this is going to be a straight up badass power match. Duggan is here to win the championship and he is gets a hot cross body for two. He just keeps pressing his advantage. He is overzealous and misses that three point stance wedgebuster into the turnbuckles and Gordy promptly applies the Oriental Sleeper, but Duggan rakes the eyes. Duggan misses a kneedrop and Gordy does not miss a beat working the leg in logical fashion: wrapping it around the post and then the figure-4. Duggan is selling like a champ including a one-legged sunset flip! Now Gordy misses a kneedrop and it is time to taste his own medicine. Gordy nails a piledriver and this is just a badass hoss spotfest. Gordy hits his Asiatic Spike into the Oriental Sleeper, but Duggan will not be denied. The TV time is winding down as they are about to go off the air and Duggan starts rallying with his big three point stance and the crowd is rabid for a Duggan championship victory as the screen goes to black. The next episode shows the finish with Buddy Roberts saving the match for his running buddy, Bam Bam and triggering the DQ. DiBiase in a mask saves the day. Besides the shitty finish, this was one helluva power struggle, basically, a bonafide hoss spotfest that just never let up. You could feel how bad both men wanted it and how much the crowd was behind Hacksaw. Wicked entertaining. ****