What If The Best Man Didnt Win?
Over-exposed. Holier Than Thou. Squeaky Clean. The reasons commonly cited by the masses of American football fans that detest the newest, yet polarizing football SUPERSTAR, Tim Tebow.
The two reasons I hate Tim Tebow |
I am calling poppycock on this. Of course, those reasons feed into the general contempt football's fanbase has for Mr. Tebow, but the real reason people hate Tim Tebow is because they feel his success is undeserved. He was an option quarterback in college with unorthodox throwing mechanics and not to mention that ridiculously stupid-looking jump pass. Yet, Tebow stands tall as a starting professional quarterback with a 7-2 record. Toss in the fact that these victories have miraculous tinges to them only adds to his fluky character. Fans are pissed because it just does not seem fair that someone who clearly seems to suck out loud for three quarters has ended up with a 7-2 record in the past nine games, which only Aaron Rodgers can claim to top in that time interval. He is like the inverse LeBron.
This loathing sentiment of undeserved success can be applied to Tebow's contemporaries such Eli Manning and Mark "Sanchise" Sanchez. Manning, who is not nearly as terrible as the other two from technical point of view, suffers from being the brother of the brilliant Peyton and the way he won the Super Bowl. However, the Sanchise is generally hated by every non-Jets fan. He is a pretty-boy, who is not very good at what he does but has led the Jets to two consecutive AFC Championship Games, not too shabby. Of course, couple Sanchez seemingly lucky ineptitude with the biggest blowhard in the game, Rex Ryan and you have a recipe for some serious heat coming your way. Sporting contests are the last bastions of fairness in a world seemingly polluted by corruption, nepotism and lethargy. However, now fans feel their cherished competitions are now being won by those who are no longer the best at their craft and that gets them fuckin hot under the collar. Which in turn makes them pay the big bucks and/or watch the games to seek out their comeuppance and watch them be ridiculed such as the following SNL skit mocking Tebow. This skit encapsulates this sense of undeserved success that so irks football fans.
The second biggest take home message from #OccupyWallStreet for me is that a significant segment of America's population wants fairness and they do not perceive the current system as fair. (The biggest take-home message is that none of these people have any clue how to remedy the situation and their only plan seems to be to annoy the fuck out of people.) They believe many of America's so-called "1%" did not earn their success therefore much like Mr. Tebow, it is undeserved. It bothers them that an undeserving few continue to lead lavish lifestyles, while proving to be incompetent, yet they toil in obscurity and squalor. People cite it is not what you know, but who you know. This fact people actually believe that demonstrates how extremely jaded and bitter people have become. Just as it bothers football fans across the country that Tebow holds the same record in the last 9 games as Tom Brady. Now a moment of silence for the legitimacy of professional football (I kid, I kid).
The general abhorrence for Tebow and his ilk stems from the same general sentiments that guide the #OccupyWallStreet movement and it has led to football's biggest storyline of the year. Just as this year was dominated by Arab Spring and #OccupyWallStreet, football has become about the unexpected success of Tebow. It even overshadowed the defending Super Bowl Champions Packers' quest for perfection. With each victory, the press coverage grew and like a horrible positive feedback loop it just fed into more and more into the hatred for Tim Tebow. Couple this with his highly-publicized faith (Jesus Christ is like Tebow's Rex Ryan. Coincidentally, I am a big fan of both and they both like to wash feet, weird.) and Tebow is a white-hot, polarizing commodity. Tangentially, given his faith, how the fuck did this not go viral?
While it does not make for excellent football, it makes for excellent TV. Tebow did what, Rodgers could not, what Brady could not and what even the hilarious hysterics of Rex Ryan could not, he hooked me into watching a professional football game this season. I found my own trolling amusing, but it cost me $50 bucks, damn you Tebow.
Of course the NFL machine is doing just fine without casual fans like me, but they know for the playoffs and the Super Bowl they want BIG storylines and nothing is hotter than Tebow now. I, for one, do not want to see Tebow in there, but I do want one big playoff match just to watch every football fan squirm at the possibility of Mr. Undeserving possibly winning. They will tune in because they want to see Tebow put in his place. I have spent way too much time on this as is but I would be SHOCKED if Tebow's games were not the top 3 highest rated games each week.
Because it is everyone's worst fear in sports, what if the best man doesnt win? Personally I dont give a fuck, I believe like Tebow, Sanchez and Eli do in the mantra of Al Davis:
LA Raiders now they were fuckin cool. |
Just win, baby, win.